Tuesday, November 12, 2013

HW Week of 11/11

Hello, STEM/USH'ers:  

Your homework this week will focus on the viewing of the video series "The War That Made America."  This series goes into amazing detail about the French and Indian War, which was discussed in the Crash Course video we watched this week.  

This war, which took place between 1754-1763, is very important in American History.  This war led to conflict between America and England, and ultimately the Revolutionary War.  

Below is a link to a folder, containing the videos, questions, and note-taking worksheet.  Please note that all of the materials have previously been shared with you.  I will also post YouTube links on the blog as well.  

We will watch the videos in class, and at home.  After watching each part of the video, you will answer questions based on the video.  
Your mission this week...

1.  Carefully view each video.  While watching the video, use the worksheet to take notes. 
2.  After you view each part, carefully answer the questions that correspond to each part.  There are four videos, organized into separate folders. The worksheets that go with each part are in those folders.  Please answer the questions using complete sentences.   You must answer ALL of the questions on each worksheet.  Make sure that you print out the worksheets, as well as the scoring rubric
3.  The entire assignment is due NEXT MONDAY, November 18th.   Failure to hand the assignment in on time would be the equivalent of getting a ZERO on a test. 
4.  You are responsible for handing inhttp://www.videonot.es/edit/
  • 1.  Video Worksheets
  • 2.  Note-Taking Worksheets
  • 3.  Scoring Rubric
Here's the link to the folder.  These materials have been previously shared with you, and are in your "shared with me" folders.  

If you have trouble downloading the files, I will be happy to upload the files to a flash drive for you.  

Here are the You Tube links to each video 

Video 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVY4H9P6nKU
Video 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpS8Rqi10UI
Video 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTM0KyY86DA&list=UUqO2Sbs3h0eiWrrExUdkkdQ
Video 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Noz875Mh64w&list=UUqO2Sbs3h0eiWrrExUdkkdQ

GOOGLE CHROME USERS!  - Check out this awesome app!  You can use it to take notes on videos! 


Monday, November 4, 2013

STEM/USH Assignments Week of 11/4

Greetings, STEM/USH'ers:
We are going to have two collection dates for homework assigned this week, on Thursday and the following Tuesday November 12th.   Please make sure that you attach the homework rubric to your homework on each day that it is collected.  Both assignments will be graded as quizzes.  Failure to complete either one would be the same thing as getting a zero on quiz; miss both, and it's like getting a zero on a test. 

Here's what you have to do this week.    

1. Watch the FIRST EIGHT MINUTES of the Crash Course Video - The Seven Years War.  CLICK HERE for the link.    You will notice that there is a transcript to the video. This will be very helpful for you!  

2. Take notes on the video.  Please note that the video moves very fast!  You will have to rewind it several times.  Use the transcript to help you.  You may want to consider making yourself a google doc, highlighting, and outlining it.  

3.  Complete the video worksheet.  

1. Take notes on the slides in Sections 1 of the powerpoint enclosed in this email.

2.  Complete the Reading Study Guide, and Re-Teaching Activity for Chapter 3 Section 1 of the textbook.  I've enclosed a copy of Chapter 3 Section to help you. 

If you didn't finish Monday and Tuesday's HW, finish it for HW tonight.  Otherwise, proceed to Thursday's HW.  Prepare your HW to be handed in on Thursday, by attaching a copy of the homework rubric to your work.  
Complete note-taking on section 4 of the PowerPoint enclosed in this email.  
Complete the Reading Study Guide, and Re-Teaching Activity for Chapter 3 Section 4 of the textbook.  

Prepare your HW to be submitted on Tuesday November 12th.