Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Class of 2021 Summer Assignment

Hello, Class of 2021:

Here is your Summer Assignment.  Please make sure that you complete all of the steps.  There will be an EXAM on all of the material covered in the Summer Assignment on Sept. 16th.

1. Notes.  You are required to take notes on the following slideshows.  Handwritten notes, in your neatest handwriting.

Constitutional Foundations 
The Constitution Tested 1789-1865 (Civil War)

2.  Readings
The Colonial Period 
American Revolution
The Critical Period 

3.  Worksheets: You may need to use the internet, or other resources to complete the worksheets.
Constitutional Foundations
The Critical Period
The Early Republic
The Civil War

4. Videos: The videos will help you complete the worksheets:
CLICK  HERE for the list of videos

5.  Movies.  Choose any FIVE of the movies, contained in the link.    Click here for a link to the list of movies, and the summary sheet.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Classwork 6/3/16

1.  Please complete the DBQ from yesterday's class.
2.  When you've finished, in the RED textbook (The Americans), carefully read Chapter 6 section 1.  HERE IS A LINK TO THE TEXTBOOK. 
3.  After completing the reading, please complete the attached worksheet (CLICK HERE for the link) 
4.  If you don't finish the assignment before the end of the period, you must finish it for HW.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

George Washington DBQ

CLICK HERE for a link to the DBQ on George Washington.  
Working with your team-mates, please complete all of the short answer questions by the end of the period.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

HW 5/31/16

1.  Please take notes on slides 1-22 of the slideshow below.

2. Review the videos below

Friday, May 27, 2016

HW 5/27/16 "Division"

Watch the video below.

Based on the video, answer the question below.  

Complete the attached VIDEO GUIDE

Thursday, May 26, 2016

HW 5/26/16 - "Westward"

Watch the remainder of "Westward." We finished around the 25 minute mark in class, today.

Complete the worksheet you received in class, today.  If you lost the worksheet CLICK HERE 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Thematic Essay - Supreme Court Cases

DUE DATE 5/23/16 

Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs addressing the task 
below, and a conclusion.

Task: Based on your knowledge of US History, and United States Supreme Court Cases, you will select TWO cases.  For those two cases you will:

  • Describe the historical circumstances surrounding the case
  • Explain the Court’s decision in the case
  • Discuss the impact of the decision on the United States and/or on American society.  
For a more detailed explanation of the task, CLICK HERE 

YOU MAY NOT USE Plessy v. Ferguson, Brown v. Bd. of Ed., or Dred Scott v. Sanford.  
You could, and should use the resources you utilized during the mini-project to help you complete this task.  

FINAL DRAFT is DUE 5/23.  

OUTLINE is due 5/17
1st Draft is due 5/18
2nd Draft is due 5/19
3rd Draft is due 5/20 

***Students who fail to bring in outlines, and/or drafts on the above dates will lose FIVE POINTS off of their grade for each assignment missed***

You will be working on this assignment inside, and outside of class.  

Anyone who chooses not to hand in the essay on the 23rd will receive a grade of ZERO.  

Monday, May 2, 2016

Supreme Court Project

CLICK HERE for a Google Docs Version of this post

Learning Target: After completing an internet based exercise, students will analyze, and evaluate the effects of Landmark Supreme Court Cases

Point Value: 100 points (same as a test)

From its first case in 1803 (Marbury v. Madison), the Supreme Court has become a very powerful force in American life and culture. Of the three branches, the decisions of the Supreme Court, through a process known as Judicial Review, have arguably the most direct impact on the day-to-day lives of the American people. As a result of this project,  you and your classmates will gain a greater understanding of the court’s impact on your life

What do I Have to do?

I.  You will research several important Supreme Court cases.  For each case you must be able to discuss the:

  1. Facts and Details: When did it take place? Where? Who was involved? How did it get to the Supreme Court?
  2. The Conflict: In other words, why did this case reach the Supreme Court in the first place?  Was there a law, or action of the federal, or state government that was being challenged?  What right, or civil liberty is being challenged?  For example in the case of Tinker v. Des Moines, a students’ right to free expression under the First Amendment was questioned.  
  3. The Outcome of the Case: How did the SC rule? Why did they rule this way?
  4. The importance of the case: How did the ruling affect the lives of Americans? Did it limit, or expand the civil rights of Americans? Did people have MORE freedom because of the court's decision, or LESS freedom?  Did this case EXPAND, or LIMIT the POWER of the Government?    

II.  After completing your research, you will arrange your findings in a table or chart.

III.  The Cases:  

Expansion of Power of The Federal Government:
Marbury v. Madison (1803)
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

Expansion of Individual Rights:
Brown v. Board of Edcuation (1954)
Mapp v. Ohio (1961)
Engel v. Vitale (1962)
Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)
Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
Tinker v. Des Moines (1969)
Roe v. Wade (1973)

Limiting of Individual Rights:
Dred Scott v. Sanford (1856)
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
Schenck v. United States (1919)
Korematsu v. United States (1944)
Nixon v. United States (1974)

Power of Government:
Wabash Railway v. Illinois (1886)
US v. EC Knight (1895)
Muller v. Oregon (1908)
Schechter Poultry v. US (1935)
Escobedo v. Illinois (1964)  

Friday, April 22, 2016

Warren Court DBQ

Hello, All:
CLICK HERE for a link to the Warren Court DBQ we started in class, yesterday.    The DBQ starts on page 13 of the exam packet.

You, and your team-mates will be working together, to complete the remaining documents (3-9).   At the end of the period, I will collect one person's work, from each group, and grade it.

Their grade=your grade.  

Good Luck!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Supreme Court DBQ Essay - Due 4/20/16

Hello, All:

Based on the court cases, and documents we've studied this week, we are going to complete the following essay.

Historical Context:

Throughout United States history, the United States Supreme Court has decided major cases related to the civil liberties of African Americans. These decisions have had a significant impact on the nation. These cases include Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857), Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), and Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954).

Task: Using the information from the documents and your knowledge of United States history, select two Supreme Court cases mentioned in the historical context and for each

  • Describe the historical circumstances leading to the case 
    • What was going on in the United States at the time? 
    • What was the issue that led to the case? 
  • Discuss the impact of the Supreme Court’s ruling on the United States and/or on American society
    • How was American society different because of these cases?  
Your essay should be at least four paragraphs.  You must refer to at least FIVE of the documents we reviewed in class. 

The DBQ Questions - Documents and short answer responses.  REMEMBER, do not state "in document 1 it says..."  Make sure you cite your sources CORRECTLY!!! 

Pre-Writing Worksheet  - Outline, Outline, Outline.  You will need to print the RUBRIC, on p. 6 and 7.    FINISH THE PRE-WRITING WORKSHEET FOR MONDAY! 

The Dred Scott Decision Explained- US History Review from Mike Tesler on Vimeo.


Friday, April 1, 2016

HW 4/1/16

1.  Complete the "Peer Evaluation Worksheet."  Please do not share these results with anyone.  Please work on this, at home.  CLICK HERE for the link, and print out the evaluation sheet. 

2.  READ "The Supreme Court and System of Checks and Balances."
3.  Answer the "Reviewing Ideas," and "Critical Thinking" questions (1-3).

CLICK HERE. You will be redirected to "Mr. Tesler's Regents US" page.  Please complete the assignment, including the notes on the videos, and worksheet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Amendment Poster Project

CLICK HERE for the information sheet.   It is highly recommended that you print it out!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Classwork 3/17/16

Hello, All:

Here is your assignment.

1.  Carefully review the information contained in the worksheet, "Amending the Constitution."  Complete the exercise on the page.

2.  After you complete the exercise, discuss and answer the following questions with your team-mates.
  1. What does this chart tell us about the process of amending (changing) the Constitution? 
  2. In your own words, explain how an amendment can be proposed, and approved. 
  3. How does this chart explain why, since the adoption of the Constitution, only 27 amendments have been passed? 
  4. Do you think the amendment process is too difficult?  Should the process be changed?  If so, how would you change it?  
3.  Complete the exercise, "Amendments since the Bill of Rights."  After you complete the exercise, answer the questions below. 
  1. In your own words, explain why these amendments were passed. 
  2. How have these amendments expanded the rights of citizens?  How have they limited the rights of citizens?  
  3. In your opinion, which amendments are the MOST important?  The least important?  Why?
  4. Do you think the government should have passed an amendment dealing with the consumption of alcoholic beverages?  Why?  Why not?  
  5.  Are there any new amendments which you think should be added to the Constitution?  Why?

Monday, March 7, 2016

Tonight's HW 3/7

Hello, All:

Here is tonight's HW.
1.  IF YOU DIDN'T FINISH THE LIVING CONSTITUTION ASSIGNMENT IN CLASS, YOU MUST FINISH IT FOR HW.  CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK.  The assignment is on pages 96-97.  You are answering the "Critical Thinking," questions A-E.  

2.  CLICK HERE for the worksheet, "The Bill of Rights - Liberty vs. Order"  

Carefully study the political cartoon, and answer the questions that follow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3/1/16 - Classwork and HW

Hello, All:

1.   Here's your Classwork assignment for today, 3/1

2.  If you didn't finish the DBQ, finish it for HW.  Additionally, based on the work that we did in class today, please complete the following worksheet.

CLICK HERE for the link! 

Complete the attached worksheet, "Ratifying the Constitution."  

Complete the Worksheet, "Bill of Rights" 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Ratifying the Constitution - Classwork/HW 2/25/16

1.  Carefully read, and review the information contained in documents 8B ("Debate Over Ratification"), and 8C ("The Debate in New York State").  CLICK HERE for a link to the documents 

2.  Complete the charts on pages 3 and 5.   Please copy the charts on looseleaf paper.  

3.  After you've analyzed the information presented, please answer the following questions.  

1. In your own words, explain why the opponents of ratification argued that the new gov’t could not be trusted to respect citizen’s rights?
2. What reasons might explain why the Constitution’s supporters praised the new govt’s strength/power 
3. In your own words, summarize the arguments made in documents 3 and 4 (worksheet 8C) both FOR and AGAINST ratification
4. Of the positions here, which of the following is MOST convincing? The least? 
5. What do these documents tell us about the debate over ratification of the Constitution?
6. Complete the following sentence: If I had been a member of the NY State Convention, I would have voted (for/against) ratification BECAUSE

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

HW 1/26/16

Hello, 7th Graders:

Here is your HW assignment for this evening, 1/26/16.

1. Please review the following presentation.
 2. Print a copy of the guided notes worksheet. While you are viewing the presentation, please complete the worksheet. Click here for the link to the worksheet.
 3. Please print, and complete the Guided Reading, "Forming a Government." Click here for the link.

Wednesday 1/27/16
LISTEN to the Podcast on the Constitutional Convention
Please Print, and Read "The Constitutional Convention" 
Complete the Reading Check and Assessment Questions

Thursday 1/28/16:
1.  CLICK HERE, and READ Chapter 5 Section 3 "Creating the Constitution" 
2.  Define the "Key Terms and People" on p. 163.  The vocab terms and people are highlighted in the reading.
3.  Complete the "Section 3 Assessment," questions 1-4 on p. 168 of the reading.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Assignment 1/25/16

Hello, 7th Grade:

Here is your assignment for today, 1/25/16.  Should you be unable to complete the assignment in class, today, you will complete it for homework this evening.  I will collect the assignment at the start of class tomorrow, 1/26/16

CLICK HERE for the link to the chapter reading



Thursday, January 21, 2016

2016 Midterm (7th Grade)

CLICK HERE  for your midterm.

Answer ALL of the short answer questions, and write the essay in the booklet you were given in class.