Tuesday, January 26, 2016

HW 1/26/16

Hello, 7th Graders:

Here is your HW assignment for this evening, 1/26/16.

1. Please review the following presentation.
 2. Print a copy of the guided notes worksheet. While you are viewing the presentation, please complete the worksheet. Click here for the link to the worksheet.
 3. Please print, and complete the Guided Reading, "Forming a Government." Click here for the link.

Wednesday 1/27/16
LISTEN to the Podcast on the Constitutional Convention
Please Print, and Read "The Constitutional Convention" 
Complete the Reading Check and Assessment Questions

Thursday 1/28/16:
1.  CLICK HERE, and READ Chapter 5 Section 3 "Creating the Constitution" 
2.  Define the "Key Terms and People" on p. 163.  The vocab terms and people are highlighted in the reading.
3.  Complete the "Section 3 Assessment," questions 1-4 on p. 168 of the reading.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Assignment 1/25/16

Hello, 7th Grade:

Here is your assignment for today, 1/25/16.  Should you be unable to complete the assignment in class, today, you will complete it for homework this evening.  I will collect the assignment at the start of class tomorrow, 1/26/16

CLICK HERE for the link to the chapter reading



Thursday, January 21, 2016

2016 Midterm (7th Grade)

CLICK HERE  for your midterm.

Answer ALL of the short answer questions, and write the essay in the booklet you were given in class.