Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Class of 2021 Summer Assignment

Hello, Class of 2021:

Here is your Summer Assignment.  Please make sure that you complete all of the steps.  There will be an EXAM on all of the material covered in the Summer Assignment on Sept. 16th.

1. Notes.  You are required to take notes on the following slideshows.  Handwritten notes, in your neatest handwriting.

Constitutional Foundations 
The Constitution Tested 1789-1865 (Civil War)

2.  Readings
The Colonial Period 
American Revolution
The Critical Period 

3.  Worksheets: You may need to use the internet, or other resources to complete the worksheets.
Constitutional Foundations
The Critical Period
The Early Republic
The Civil War

4. Videos: The videos will help you complete the worksheets:
CLICK  HERE for the list of videos

5.  Movies.  Choose any FIVE of the movies, contained in the link.    Click here for a link to the list of movies, and the summary sheet.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Classwork 6/3/16

1.  Please complete the DBQ from yesterday's class.
2.  When you've finished, in the RED textbook (The Americans), carefully read Chapter 6 section 1.  HERE IS A LINK TO THE TEXTBOOK. 
3.  After completing the reading, please complete the attached worksheet (CLICK HERE for the link) 
4.  If you don't finish the assignment before the end of the period, you must finish it for HW.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

George Washington DBQ

CLICK HERE for a link to the DBQ on George Washington.  
Working with your team-mates, please complete all of the short answer questions by the end of the period.