Monday, October 5, 2015

Today's Assignment 10/6/15 - The Aztecs


Here is your assignment for today.

1.  CAREFULLY, read Bernal Diaz Del Castillo's account of the Aztec City of Tenochtitlan.  You can find that document by clicking here. 

2. Working with your team-mates, you will have a series of questions to answer, based on the document, and your knowledge of Social Studies.  The questions are listed below.  You will be answering these questions as a team.  You will be working in a "numbered heads" fashion (Mr. Tesler will explain what this is).  Everyone on the team must agree to the answers to the questions, and write them down, in their class-work section.   The questions are as follows:

  1. Based on the reading, what did you learn about the Aztec capital? 
  2. In your opinion how technologically advanced were the Aztecs?  What evidence do you have to back up your statement? 
  3. Based on what you've learned from Diaz's account, how did the Aztec level of technology compare to Europe's technology at the time? 
  4. As a person living in New York, in the year 2015, what do you find most amazing about the Aztec capital?  

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