Monday, November 16, 2015

HW Week of 11/16/15

Hello, All:

Here are your HW assignments for the week of 11/16

READ CHAPTER 3 Section 1 "The Southern Colonies" 
Complete the Reading Study Guide

Complete the Note-Taking Sheet 

1.  Please copy the notes on slides 2-8 of the attached presentation 

2. Review Chapter 3 Section 1 
3. Answer the following questions (these questions can also be found on p. 77 of the textbook): 

1. How did John Smith improve conditions in Jamestown?
2. What events led to a confl ict between the Jamestown settlers and the Powhatan Confederacy?  
3. Why were indentured servants necessary in Virginia? 
4. What do you think was the most serious problem faced by settlers in Virginia? Why? 
5. Which colony was the fi rst to promote religious tolerance? 
6. Why did more enslaved Africans live in South Carolina than did white settlers? 
7. How might the colony of Georgia have been different if Oglethorpe’s plan had succeeded? 
8. What was the purpose of slave codes? 
9. Why were slaves in high demand in the southern colonies? 

2. Read Chapter 3 Section 2 
3. Complete the Note Taking Sheet
4. Complete the Reading Study Guide 

1. Please take notes on slides 9-15 of the presentation 

2. Review Chapter 3 Section 2
3. Answer the following questions 

  1. Why did the Pilgrims and Puritans leave Europe for the Americas?
  2. Do you think the Pilgrims could have survived without the assistance of Squanto and Massasoit? Explain your answer.
  3. What role did the church play in Massachusetts?
  4. Why did some colonists disagree with the leaders of Massachusetts?
  5. Describe the economy in the New England colonies.
  6. Why do you think New England merchants became leading members of society?
  7. What steps did the Massachusetts Bay Colony take to promote education?
  8. What are some possible benefits that New England’s emphasis on education might bring? 

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